Our congregation, the
Societas Verbi Divini (a.k.a. SVD, Society of the Divine Word, Divine Word Missionaries, or Steyler Missionaries) is an international religious-missionary congregation of Priests and Brothers, founded in Steyl, Holland on September 8, 1875, by St. Arnold Janssen. It is one of the three religious congregations founded by St. Arnold, along with the
Servae Spiritus Sancti (a.k.a. SSpS, Servants of the Holy Spirit, or Blue Sisters) and
Servae Spiritus Sancti de Adoratione Perpetua (a.k.a. SSpSAP, Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration, or Pink Sisters). SVD APOSTOLATE The SVD Missionaries, as “witnesses” to the Divine Word (Jesus), are engaged among others, in the following works: biblical apostolate, education, parish administration, mass media/communication, mission animation, formation of youth, formation of future priests and religious missionaries, promotion of justice, peace and integrity of creation (JPIC), community organizing, empowerment of indigenous peoples/communities, care of street children, prostituted women and other marginalized sectors of the society.
Click the following to view some of our apostolate/mission works:
http://www.usc.edu.ph/http://www.hnu.edu.ph/main/index.phphttp://www.divinewordseminary.com/http://www.mangyan.org/http://www.catholictrade.com.ph/http://healingeucharist.blogspot.com/http://www.wordnet.tv/about-us.htmSVD BROTHERS: A COMMUNITY OF SERVICE As part of a religious community of men, we Divine Word Missionary Brothers use our talents and abilities in the service of God and His people. In many different ways and in many different countries, we are extending our giftedness with special predilection to the poor and the marginalized.
We SVD Brothers specialize in various fields. We do mission among others as teachers, mechanics, engineers, catechists, formators, counselors, carpenters, architects, nurses, lawyers and in many other ways, according to the needs of the local Church and community where we are assigned. Helping in every way we can, each of us is truly responding with a “yes” to God’s call.
As mission work is not tied to ordination, one cannot simply underestimate our missionary contribution. As non-ordained missionaries, we can in fact reach out to the laity more closely, especially to the faith-seekers and people of other religious traditions. Indeed, together with the ordained confreres, we can bring fullness to the "Missio Dei" (Mission of God) in the contemporary world.
QUALIFICATIONS OF ASPIRANTS: • CHARACTER: possess good moral character, love for study and work, and the willingness to be formed.
• Intelligence: of at least average mental ability but must pass our entrance tests and interviews.
• Health: of at least ordinary good health but free from any chronic ailment.
• Right Intention: have sincere desire to serve God and His people, and willingness to be sent to the foreign missions.
• AGE: not more than 35 years old.
4–5 Years College Program. An academic program leading to a college degree of one’s choice, as long as in line with the SVD missionary charisms or endeavors; one may opt for instance to study courses like Education, Engineering, Architecture, Sociology, Nursing, Administration, Accounting, Agriculture, Mass Media, Computer Science, Music, etc.; courses are usually taken at our very own university – the University of San Carlos; Residence: St. Joseph Freinademetz Formation House (SJFFH),
Cebu City.
1 Year Associate Program. For aspirants who have already finished college degrees outside and/or who have experienced working using their professional training/ technical skills, an introductory program of formation is specially designed for them, intended among others to help them discover the necessary qualities for the SVD religious-missionary vocation; provide them some first hand information and contact with us Divine Word Missionaries especially through our work & lifestyle; and to have an initial period of guided prayer and reflection necessary for a religious-missionary’s life; Residence: SJFFH,
Cebu City.
1 Year Postulancy Program (after College Program or Associate Program). Undergoing series of seminars/ modular classes and exposures intended to deepen one’s self-awareness, psycho-emotionally; Residence: SVD-Postulancy,
Tagaytay City.
B. NOVITIATE PROGRAM: 1 Year Novitiate Program. A canonical year of intense experience of various spiritual exercises, and SVD-mission exposures, culminating with the first profession of the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience; Residence: SVD Holy Spirit Novitiate,
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro.
3-4 Years Juniorate Program. Theological Studies and Temporary Assignment which may include Overseas Training Program (OTP). Residence:
Philippines or Abroad.
6 Months to 1 Year Preparation for the Perpetual Vows. A period to make a serious and mature assessment of oneself in relation to one’s vocation & lifetime commitment as a full member of the Society of the Divine Word; permanent assignment then follows, which could be in foreign mission areas. Residence:
Philippines or Abroad.